£30.00/week(inc. tax)
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Billed every month
Total (inc. tax)

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Any day from today to 17th March.


We can provide protection for your stored goods on a new replacement basis.
StoreProtect is an extension to our standard contract that allows us to accept liability for loss or damage to your goods in certain circumstances.

Our liability under StoreProtect is accepted on a new replacement basis for most goods you store. However, there are restrictions for some items, such as jewellery, watches, furs, fine art, beers, wines, and electrical items. We cannot offer StoreProtect for motorcars stored outside a unit or food/perishable items.

Please read our Self Storage Agreement and StoreProtect Addendum for full details of the protection we can provide.

To benefit from StoreProtect, you must declare an appropriate new replacement value for all goods stored (known as the Maximum Replacement Value). This figure must be adequate to include all goods at all times.

If you do not opt for StoreProtect, our standard terms limit our liability for your goods to a maximum of £100. You are also required to arrange insurance at your own expense for your stated Maximum Reinstatement Value for the duration of storage.

If you’d like to use your own insurance you must still select a cover level. Please then email evidence of your insurance to enquiries@wellsselfstorage.co.uk prior to move in to remove our insurance costs.
Protection cover cost
/week (inc. tax)

Please note

To access your unit, you will need to download an app and input a code that will be texted to you - then you're good to go!

Phone support is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm.

After booking, you will be asked to verify your identity. Please do so before your move in date to ensure access to your unit.

You won’t be charged anything until your move in day. Cancel anytime before for free.

Should you require a van to help with your move in, we have an onsite van hire company - Gemini Self Drive - just call 01749 601500 or visit www.geminiselfdrive.co.uk for further details.
Payments are secure and encrypted.
“Great facility for local businesses needing extra storage space.”
Rich W

50 sq ft

Contents of a Transit van

£30.00/week(inc. tax)
Show order summary
Billed every month
Total (inc. tax)